AICS General Body Meeting

AICS General Body Meeting

The AICS (Association of ICSE and CBSE schools of D.K. and Udupi districts) General Body meeting was hosted by us on June 10, 2014 in the ground floor hall of the new block.

After the breakfast, the meeting commenced at 11 am with a silent prayer, chaired by the president of AICS – Mrs. Shreelatha Rao. Host Principal Sr. Melissa welcomed the gathering and gave a brief history of the school.

Sr. Carissima, the administrator of the school gave a short message, after which the business section of the meeting commenced where around 42 principals of various ICSE and CBSE schools of D.K. and Udupi districts discussed and shared on different educational issues and problems.

The election of the office bearers for the next 2 years was also held after which the activities of the year were planned. The meeting ended around 1.30 pm, with the lunch.
