Annual Sports Meet of Nursery & Kindergarten Children - Mount Carmel Central School

Annual Sports Meet of Nursery & Kindergarten Children

Annual Sports Meet of Nursery & Kindergarten Children

The Annual Sports Day for Nursery and Kindergarten children was held on Friday 20th January 2023 with great enthusiasm and sportive spirit. The event commenced with prayer. The Administrator Sr. Carissima along with Vice Principal Sr. Lathika and school’s national gold medalist in skating Jesnia Correa inaugurated and declared the sports meet open.

The events were organized on our school grounds. The students and the teachers were very energetic specially the tiniest of the tiny, the nursery kids took part in events like feeding the monkey, racing to school and colour race. The LKG children participated in balancing the ball in the cone, rabbit and running race.  The UKG children showed their swiftness in the 50mts race, skill in balancing the cone and strength in throwing the ball. Overall the children showcased the 5 S’s of sports – Spirit, Stamina, Speed, Strength and Skill. It was heartwarming to witness the innocence in these little children whose only focus was to reach the finishing line not alone but with their peers.

The winners stood tall and glorious as they stood on the victory stand receiving their medals, certificates and crown. The Hercules job of managing the little energetic and enthusiastic children was eased out with the loving and efficient handling by our student volunteers, scouts and guides who were guided by PET Ms. Teena. The events were well planned and executed by the Kindergarten teachers along with the PET Ms. Jayashree.

The favourable weather, the vigour in the children and vitality in the teachers spoke the success of the Kindergarten Annual Sports Meet 2022-23.

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