Art Beat 2015

Art Beat 2015

With a view to exploring the students’ creativity and imagination and improving their presentation skills, a drawing, poster-making and collage competition was organized at the MCCS on July 11, 2015.

A remarkably big number (almost 160-plus) of students from Class I to Class X
participated in the event to exhibit their creative skills in various areas.
‘Nature’, ‘My School’ and ‘A Rainy Day’ drawing competition was conducted for Class I to V students in children’s category. Poster-making competition was for class VI – VIII in junior category. The topic given to them was ‘Junk Food: Slurp!! At what cost?’ for Class VI, ‘The Angry Face of Earth’ for class VII and ‘DRUGS: Does it control your life?’ for class VIII students. In the senior category (Class IX and X students), a collage competition was organized with the theme ‘The Year of Light – 2015’.

Huge participation on the part of the students was registered in all the categories. The aim was to bring out creative skills of the students. Great enthusiasm was shown by the participants during the event. They used a variety of material to create the collages. The effort of the students was remarkable and the most creative idea in each category was adjudged the winners. The designs reflected the students’ imagination and creativity. They thoroughly enjoyed the whole session and took keen interest in their respective competition.

Such events are aimed at providing a platform for students to explore and experiment with their creative imagination and come up with innovative ideas and products.
