‘Beat the Heat’ – A Joyous ending to Summer Camp 2019

‘Beat the Heat’ – A Joyous ending to Summer Camp 2019

The Summer Camp-2019 of our School came to a joyous end on April 17th with a short cultural programme and a fellowship meal.

The camp was inaugurated on March 29th where a group of 149 campers along with their parents assembled on the playground for the inaugural ceremony. The bright morn was blessed with an invocation of God’s grace. The camp was inaugurated by lighting of the candles on a five branched candle stand arranged against a background of a big bright and glittering coloured flame. The Principal Sr. Melissa cheerfully welcomed the campers. Sr. Carissima gave a glimpse of the camp.

Each day unfolded new, exciting and meaningful activities. Yoga, old time games, nature walk, cooking and eating time, clay modelling, art, craft and needle work, aerobics and zumba were part of the daily activities. The tents erected at the camp created curiosity in the campers, hands-on science experiments were interesting. First Aid lessons were part of the camp. ‘The Swatch Time’ was indeed well done. The outdoor visits – movie, Pilikula Science Park and the Planetarium were very educative. The water play and rain dance were much appreciated. A few of the activities like Yoga, Aerobics and Zumba were conducted by the professionals engaged for this purpose, while the other activities were carried out by the energetic staff of Mount Carmel. The joy on the face of the campers was worth watching as they carried home a ‘rose plant’ to be nurtured as part of ‘My Camp Garden’ activity.

The camp culminated on a grand scale on April 17th. The programme commenced invoking God’s presence by chanting praise and thanks for His grace bestowed. Many campers came forward to share their experiences of different activities and outings which indeed was worth listening. A short, colourful and vibrant cultural programme gave a fitting ending to the camp. The thrill and the joy resonated in all the groups of the campers. The beauty of the camp was seen in the caring love of the teachers of the School involved in this camp especially at the closing lunch where the little ones were literally fed by the teachers. The children did enjoy the sumptuous vegetarian meal topped with ice-cream.

Indeed, the campers’ hands were busy, brains active and hearts joyous from March 29th to April 17th, thus meeting the objective of our Summer Camp-2019.

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