Celebration of Mount Carmel Feast, a new learning for our Nursery Kids

Celebration of Mount Carmel Feast, a new learning for our Nursery Kids

Celebration of Mount Carmel Feast was a new learning for Nursery kids of our School. The kids smartly dressed in their uniform applied the colour concept, in the colour contest arranged for them by the school as a part of the celebration of the school feast, the feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel on July 16th.

It was surprising to see the tiny fingers taking the crayons within the boundary, with apt colours to make the crown as magnificent as possible.

They prayed to Mary, Mother of Carmel, the patroness of our School, to bless them and their mothers and family members. Their cheerful smiles and surprise looks made everyone happy. They wished one another a Happy Feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel.

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