Celebration of World Environment Day 2024

Celebration of World Environment Day 2024

We celebrated World Environment Day on 8th June 2024 at the school auditorium. The programme was hosted by grade 12 students.

Today, we are not merely observers, but active participants in a global movement towards sustainability and stewardship of our Planet. Hence, we need to take a moment to reflect on the beauty that surrounds us, the harmony of nature and the intricate balance of life .

The programme began with an all faith prayer with all heads bowed in reverence and gratitude to God for the wondrous gift of our planet and invoking the blessings of the Almighty on all gathered. Venessa and Viona welcomed the gathering and vice principal Sr Teena presented a sapling as a warm gesture to the chief guest Tr Reshma.

The audience was then taken on a mesmerizing journey by the talented dancers that harmonized the urgent call for environmental guardianship. They then witnessed a theatrical skit that delved into the heart of environmental consciousness, weaving together humour, drama, and poignant reflection.

Tr Reshma, the chief guest for the day appreciated the efforts put in by the students of grade 12 in putting up a beautiful and enlightening programme. She encouraged the students to take care of the environment in their own little way and not restrict the topic for academics alone.

Venessa and Viona once again took to the stage to thank everyone and in particular acknowledged the support of Sr Melissa, the Principal and Sr Teena, the Vice-principal and all the staff for their support.

The programme ended with the hosts urging all to pledge to be stewards of the environment and guardians of nature’s bounty. For the Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth and it’s a privilege to be responsible in protecting and preserving it for generations to come.

Perpetua and Sakshath joyously anchored the programme.

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