Establishment Day Celebration 2019

Establishment Day Celebration 2019

19th November, a red lettered day in the history of the Congregation of the Apostolic Carmel as it is the Establishment day – a day on which the Apostolic Carmel was established in India, Mangalore.

19th November 2019 is the beginning of the 150th year of the Apostolic Carmel in India. This day was celebrated by Carmel Blossoms as this day is also known as ‘Carmel Blossoms day’. Prior to this day, a 9 day’s novena prayer to Venerable Mother Veronica was held, highlighting each day her virtues and praying for her intercession for our needs.

The day began with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist offered by Rev. Fr. Roopesh Madtha. During the entrance procession, 15 Junior Carmel Blossoms along with Sr. Preena, the Animator carried lighted lamps and placed on the map of India representing the 15 decades of the A.C. presence in India, thereby the Sesquicentennial Jubilee year was inaugurated. The liturgy was conducted by the Carmel Blossoms. In his homily Fr. Roopesh highlighted the virtues of love and obedience and asked the students to offer every difficulty at the feet of Jesus and seek His help at every turn. He appreciated the work of the Apostolic Carmel Sisters and asked the students to pray for them and all their upcoming activities.
