Felicitation to the Achievers of Board and Competitive Exams

Felicitation to the Achievers of Board and Competitive Exams

The School organized a felicitation ceremony for the toppers of 2019-20 and 2020-21 on Saturday, November 6th 2021 in the school Auditorium. The programme began with a prayer invoking God’s blessings, followed by a welcome dance by the students.

Sr Melissa, the principal in her welcome address expressed her joy and pride over the achievement of the students of the School. She urged the toppers to remain true to the school motto ‘Higher and Nobler” and wished them well in their future studies. Further, Sr Carissima, the administrator articulated her feelings with words of wisdom congratulating the toppers for their hard work and success. Representing the PTA, Dr Preethi Keerti DSouza addressed the students and emphasized on the need to remain humble and grateful to everyone who helped them to succeed, specially their parents, the school and the teachers.

The felicitation ceremony was then conducted by Ms Silvia, Ms Vidya and Ms Priyanka for the students of Class X and XII respectively.  The toppers of Class X and XII of both the years 2019-20 and 2020-21 and the achievers of competitive exams of Class XII were honoured along with their parents with a memento, flowers and a cash prize.

NEET All India 5th rank holder Jashan Chabra was felicitated with a shawl, fruit basket, memento and a cash prize for bringing laurels to the school through his exceptional achievement in NEET 2021.

Responding to the felicitation, Student toppers Jashan Chabra, Rihan Aaron DSilva and Nishkal Rao expressed a deep sense of gratitude towards their alma mater and their teachers, and shared their journey of success thereby inspired the other young minds assembled for the event.

Sr Juliana proposed the vote of thanks and Ms Ananya Sneha compered the programme. The celebration ended with refreshments. It was indeed a momentous gathering.

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