“Go Green Day” Celebrated by our Nursery Kids

“Go Green Day” Celebrated by our Nursery Kids

To foster environmental awareness among Nursery children through engaging activities and educational experiences, the Nursery division of our School celebrated “Go Green Day” on June 21, 2024.  It was a delight to see the excited kids arriving with saplings, green toys and dressed in green attire to show their love for the nature. The school was adorned with green balloons, tinsels as well as with green objects brought by the little ones, reflecting the Green theme all over the school, especially in the hall and the class rooms.

The day began with a prayer and a prayer song, praising the Creator. Little commentators confidently delivered short speeches on the significance of Green colour and the environment. The kids also relished the green-coloured snacks and salads during their snack break.

The newly created indoor Play Park was joyfully inaugurated by Principal Sr Melissa along with Sr Asha Prima, Nursery teachers and the children thoroughly enjoyed some quality time in their exciting new space.

Under the guidance of teachers and helpers, the children planted the saplings they brought.  A guided walk thrilled the little ones as they touched and felt the things in nature very closely.  Indeed, the active participation of the tiny tots made the fun-filled “Go Green Day” a truly meaningful and impactful celebration at Mount Carmel Nursery section.

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