20 Dec Investiture Ceremony held for our Sub Junior Scouts and Guides
The investiture ceremony of the sub junior Scouts and Guides was held on our school grounds on Friday, 20th December 2024 to welcome new members into the organisation, fostering values of service, leadership and community bonding. The Scouts and Guides reaffirmed their faith and commitment in the movement.
The Principal Sr Melissa and Vice Principal Sr Teena were escorted by the Scout and Guide and accorded a traditional welcome with the adorning of the scarf. The ceremony began with Scout and Guide prayer song and Jhanda Geet.
Principal Sr Melissa congratulated the Scouts, Guides and their mentors and encouraged them to be dedicated to the movement and take on roles in the school and beyond, drawing inspiration from their motto “Be prepared. Guide Captain Ilona Machado steered the oath-taking ceremony and Scout Nikhil administered the Scout and Guide promise.
The newly enrolled Scouts and Guides were given Pravesh Badge and Scarf by the Principal, Vice principal, Scout masters and Guide captains. Neha, Keerthana, Nikhil and Wernel compered the programme.