Our Scouts, Guides, NCC students undertake Beach Cleaning Drive on World Environment Day

Our Scouts, Guides, NCC students undertake Beach Cleaning Drive on World Environment Day

Cleaning up the beaches will not just ensure a beautiful coastline, but help maintain a healthy Marine ecosystem. NCC Cadets of our School, along with the Scouts and Guides participated in beach clean-up drive at Bengre beach on 5th June 2023, on the occasion of World Environment Day. The drive was organized by United Way Mumbai in partnership with Plastic Fischer. The aim of this program was to create awareness among students, so that they contribute in keeping the beaches and water bodies clean by not polluting them with plastic waste and debris. 51 active Scouts and Guides along with NCC Cadets participated in this drive and collected dry waste in the form of plastic bottles, wrappers, empty liquor bottles and other debris.

Mr. Andrew Dias the representative of United Way Mumbai along with his team welcomed the students and guided them regarding safety measures to be taken while cleaning and also provided safety tools like gloves, mask and sanitizers. He also enlightened the students with types of waste found on beaches and its harmful effect on marine environment. As instructed, students segregated the trash as styro foam, yellow foam, fishnet, plastic, recyclable and non-recyclable waste. Teachers Teena, Aparna Phadte and Ashwitha accompanied them. The drive ended with the distribution of refreshments. The participants were awarded with a certificate of participation. The team returned with a sense of satisfaction.

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