
Excellence in holistic human resource development of learners towards building a just and humane society.


Benchmarking academic and personal excellence with value integration and capacity building to transform the young minds, in keeping with the spirit of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation, our School (a Christian Minority Institution) provides a healthy and sound environment for exploring their hidden potential, sparking innovative thinking, developing ecological sensitivity, seeking spiritual aspirations, enhancing emotional competencies and reaching out in compassion to champion the cause of justice, love, truth, harmony and peace in the society.

School Emblem

Mount Carmel Central School logo

Logo of Mount Carmel Central School

The Emblem: The Crest is God’s seal of approval of the Institution. For the Mount Carmel Staff and Students, it is the badge of honour.

The Crown is the maternal protection of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the Patroness of the school. The Mountain represents the Mount of Carmel, an image of God’s beauty, a source to experience the inter connectedness with the Divine. The students – girls and boys ascent step by step with the motto “Higher and Nobler” on their journey of life. The Book in one hand symbolizes knowledge and the Flame in the other, throws light on their way of life with the enlightenment of mind and spirit.

The entire family of Mount Carmel aims at excellence in whatever they do, remembering that there is scope for continuous growth and improvement in their life of service to the nation and humanity.

The School Motto

The vision and mission of the school is highlighted in the motto: “Higher and Nobler”. It looks up towards excellence and enhancement of the quality of education through every curricular experience on one hand and continuous efforts towards inculcating the nobler qualities of human and spiritual growth in the learner, on the other. It aims specifically towards developing an integral and holistic person for our society, at large, through our quality education.

Diversity of the School

Mount Carmel Central School provides an unique educational experience to every child in a safe and supportive environment that promotes self-discipline, motivation and excellence in learning. Expressing our egalitarian mindset towards the people, we strive to build an educative community consisting of the management, staff, students and parents, who will interact with one another with love, trust, responsibility and a sense of belonging.

Vital Values to Guide Us

The core values that guide our activities at Mount Carmel Central School are:

  • Personal faith in the Divine
  • Integrity of character and maturity in behaviour
  • Respect for every individual person
  • Pursuit of excellence and quality of thinking
  • Loyalty towards the country and international understanding

Our Ethics

Give God the first place - Begin every activity with prayer

Do be gentle – Be affluent in the use of ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’

Do be kind and helpful - Do not hurt other’s feelings

Do be honest and sincere

Do work hard - Do not waste time and things

Do listen to people - Do not interrupt

Respect Parents, Teachers, Elders and Visitors - Greet them with a smile

Appreciate the beauty of the school premises - Do not damage plants and things

These traditions are small things in themselves and cannot be forced. The desire to observe them must spring from within; only thus can one’s character be formed.