Outstanding Results in CBSE Grade X Board Exam 2023

Outstanding Results in CBSE Grade X Board Exam 2023

The 12th batch of Grade X students of our School have been blessed with 100% quality results for their diligent work. Out of 148 students, 8 have scored above 95%, 29 between 90 and 95%, 54 between 80 to 89%, 50 between 60% to 79% and the rest 4 between 58 and 59%. An outstanding performance indeed!

Ronan Trevor Lobo is the 1st topper of the school with 97% (485/500) scoring 99 in Mathematics and English; Kshamya R Bhandary with 95.6% (478/500) stands as the 2nd topper and Perpetua Franciska Pereira with 95.4% (477/500) stands as the 3rd topper.

The students who scored 99 marks are – Prathista, Mahathi, Cloyce Savio Saldanha and Shreya Manya in English; Sumedha Salian in Mathematics and Karunya Pradeep John in Science.

The management, principal, staff, students and parents of our school congratulate all the students of Grade X and specially the toppers for the excellent results and wish them well in their future studies.

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