“The Ramblers” – the15th Kindergarten Annual Day 2023

“The Ramblers” – the15th Kindergarten Annual Day 2023

The 15th Kindergarten Annual Day was celebrated on December 21st in the school auditorium with the theme “The Ramblers” where the tiny tots took the audience on a journey to diverse countries, enlightening them about the sustainable goals to transform the world.

The chief guest Dr Mario Joseph Bukelo, Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist was escorted into the auditorium by the Principal Sr Melissa, Joint Secretary Sr Asha Prima, Administrator Sr Carissima along with PTA Vice President  Ms Carol Pais. The event commenced seeking God’s benevolence through a graceful dance.  The august gathering was then accorded a heartfelt welcome in dance by the tender hearts followed by welcome address by the Principal.

The cultural event kick-started with the nursery and pre-nursery kids showcasing their talents with confidence depicting harmony and oneness in nature. The academic year’s accomplishments were amalgamated and presented in the annual report.

The chief guest Dr. Mario Joseph Bukelo in his message cited the importance of health, wellbeing and values which lay the foundation for the child’s future. He also reminded the parents, educators and the health care professionals to work as a multi disciplinary team in the overall growth and development of every child.

Then commenced the show ‘The Ramblers’ where the students of LKG and UKG took the audience to a world tour visiting the countries like Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, India, Nepal, China and Philippines by showcasing the culture of these countries, taking a step towards our commitment to sustainable goals  in preserving  our common home, Earth. The festive Christmas carnival brought in the yuletide, delighting the august gathering.

The hearts of students Daivik, Freya and Akshaj were swelled with gratitude as they delivered the vote of thanks. The charm of the programme was the little emcees of Nursery, LKG and UKG compeering the programme with confidence and fluency.   The audience was amazed to watch the programme of the little ones filled with music and movement.

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