Vanamahotsava Day 2023

Vanamahotsava Day 2023

We celebrated the Vanmahotsav Day on Friday, 28th July which coincided with the World Nature Conservation Day. The programme was hosted by the members of the Eco Club from grade VI to X.

The celebration began with the MCs, Aishwarya and Akanksha giving a brief introduction on the importance of the day. The programme started with a prayer service thanking God for the bountiful nature around us and invoking God’s blessings on all gathered. The classical dancers of the Eco Club welcomed the audience with their gracious moves. The Eco Club President Ishani welcomed the gathering. The chief guest of the event Teacher Priyanka and Vice Principal Sr. Teena were welcomed with plant saplings.

Further, to spread more knowledge on Vanhmahotsav, Nidhi and Tanisha presented the significance of the day. The members presented a song on nature which was joyous and heartwarming. The importance of saving trees and taking care of Mother Earth was depicted through a dance drama.

The Chief Guest for the day was Teacher Priyanka, the chemistry lecturer of the school who shared her thoughts on how nature is disturbed and the imbalance is having adverse effects on humanity. She motivated the students that safeguarding nature should be our prime motive. Teacher Dhanyashree was felicitated for having completed the training course for Scouts held at DTC, Pilukula. The programme concluded with vote of thanks by Dianne Coelho of grade VI.

This was followed by a session on Malaria and Dengue by the school counselor Teacher Philomena. The aim was to bring awareness of the dangers of these diseases and that prevention is always better than cure.

After the formal programme, the members of Eco Club along with the chief guest and their mentors planted a few saplings in the school campus, in a move to green the mother Earth.

The kindergarten children too were happy to plant some saplings along with their teachers, and manure the plants. They watched the birds’ nests on the trees and the tiny water trays hanging on the trees kept for the birds to drink water. The little kids embraced nature in their hearts.

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